MoU Signing Ceremony For Applying BEAM Plus To Projects Outside Hong Kong Cum Launch Of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version) Version 1.0
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Hong Kong – Since its launch in 1996, Building Environmental Assessment Method (or its latest name, BEAM Plus) has been a leading rating tool adopted in Hong Kong for assessing the sustainability performance of buildings. On 27 May 2024, the Hong Kong Green Building Council (HKGBC) and BEAM Society Limited (BSL) announced the release of the BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) (Global Version) V1.0 and held a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony for applying BEAM Plus to projects outside Hong Kong. Over 60 industry leaders witnessed this important milestone as BEAM Plus expanded its service scope to regions outside Hong Kong, including the Mainland, Belt and Road Regions and Europe. While this important move will actively assist the development of green building in adjacent and overseas regions, the BEAM Plus EB (Global Version) serves as a versatile tool that can adapt to different climate types and flexibly assess the building sustainability based on applicable standards of diverse geographical locations. It can also work in synergy with other green building rating systems around the globe to provide a more comprehensive assessment of sustainability performance.

Ms Bernadette LINN Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR as the Guest of Honour, officiated the ceremony with Mr YE Shui-qiu, Deputy Director for General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, Mr Nicholas HO Lik-chi, Commissioner for Belt and Road, The Government of the HKSAR, Mr POON Kwok-ying, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR, Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC, and Sr Frankie SO Hung-fai, 1st Vice Chairperson of the BSL, to celebrate the heightened role of BEAM Plus in promoting global sustainable practices for the built environment.

As co-organisers of the ceremony, the HKGBC and BSL entered into MoUs with 13 developers and property management companies, institutions and state-owned enterprises from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area, including China Merchants Shekou Holdings, China Resources Property Management Limited, Chinachem Group, Emperor International Holding Limited, Great Eagle Holdings Limited, Hong Yip Service Company Limited, Hysan Development Company Limited, Kai Shing Management Services Limited, Macau University of Science and Technology, New World Development Company Limited, Sino Land Company Limited, Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited and Swire Properties Limited. These parties have pledged to explore the feasibility of applying the BEAM Plus family of tools to projects outside Hong Kong, demonstrating their support to Hong Kong’s green building industry and enthusiasm to export Hong Kong’s expertise to transform the global built environment.

Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC, noted, “As Hong Kong’s green building rating tool welcomes its 28th anniversary of operation, we are pleased to witness its further expansion globally. The launch of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version) is only the first step. In future, we will also develop the global version for new buildings. This not only promotes Hong Kong’s distinctive rating schemes, but also showcases Hong Kong’s unique strengths in the construction and management of green buildings. Obtaining the internationally recognised BEAM Plus certificates would also enhance the competitiveness and recognition status of the concerned buildings.”

Dr CHEUNG continued, “13 enthusiastic responses were received from developers, property management companies, institutions, and state-owned enterprises, covering 30 potential properties in the Mainland, Southeast Asia, London, Sydney and other locations. This will help the regions create a greener built environment and contribute to global sustainable development.”

Addressing the audience at the ceremony, Sr Frankie SO Hung-fai, 1st Vice Chairperson of the BSL, was pleased to see our local green building rating system going global with the staunch support from many industry peers and stakeholders. “BSL is committed to providing technical support and professional training for the signatories in the journey of applying BEAM Plus outside Hong Kong. We believe the wider adoption of BEAM Plus will not only strengthen Hong Kong’s position as an international financial centre and professional service provider, but also expand employment opportunities for green building practitioners. Meanwhile, the BEAM Plus certification will facilitate corporate financing, which is beneficial to the development of green finance. This allows for the simultaneous progress of “people”, “planet”, and “economy”, towards China’s dual carbon targets and the betterment of global built environment.

Since the launch of BEAM Plus in 2010, over 1,800 projects have been certified with BEAM Plus ratings. As of today, there are more than 2,500 registered BEAM Plus projects, involving over 8,200 buildings and covering a Gross Floor Area exceeding 82 million square metres.

Features of BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (EB) - Global Version

Flexible Participation

Can pursue comprehensive certificate or selective certificates in chosen aspects such as management, energy use, health and wellbeing.

Baseline Standards

Utilise international energy baseline that can be adjusted according to weather. Water efficiency label and indoor air quality may follow local standards.

Carbon Neutrality Goals

Encourage existing buildings to establish greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, including verification through the "Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)." The option to procure renewable energy certificates is also available.

Energy Reduction Scale

Expand the scoring range for energy reduction from 8 percent to 45 percent, reflecting latest trends where existing buildings can achieve significant energy saving through new technologies.

Innovative Technology

Incorporate the latest digital facility management practices, such as using Building Information Modeling (BIM) to model the as-built facilities to enhance management efficiency.

Behavioural Change

Introduce more practices to induce behavioural change, such as providing an IT platform for users to showcase sustainable living or organising educational workshops for building users.

To download the “BEAM Plus Existing Buildings (Global Version) Version 1.0”, please refer to

Photo captions:

Photo 1: Ms Bernadette LINN Hon-ho, JP, Secretary for Development, The Government of the HKSAR (3rd right), officiated the MoU Signing Ceremony together with Mr YE Shui-qiu, Deputy Director for General of the Department of Educational, Scientific and Technological Affairs, Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR (2nd right), Dr CHEUNG Tin-cheung, SBS, Chairman of the HKGBC (3rd left), Sr Frankie SO Hung-fai, 1st Vice-Chairperson of the BSL (1st right), Mr Nicholas HO Lik-chi, Commissioner for Belt and Road, The Government of the HKSAR (2nd left), and Mr POON Kwok-ying, JP, Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services, The Government of the HKSAR (1st left). Photo credit: HKGBC

Photo 2: Officiating guests, Ir Harry LAI, BBS, Executive Director of the HKGBC (1st left), and Ir CS HO, General Manager of the BSL (1st right), captured the memorable moment after signing the MoUs “Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong” with developers, property management companies, institutions and state-owned enterprises from Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Photo credit: HKGBC

Photo 3: Officiating guests took group photos with Directors of the HKGBC and BSL, and representatives from the Shenzhen Green Building Association, Green Labelling Committee of the HKGBC, and Marketing Committee of the BSL to witness the expansion of BEAM Plus into the mainland and international markets. Photo credit: HKGBC

Photo 4: The HKGBC’s MoU Signing Ceremony for Applying BEAM Plus to Projects Outside Hong Kong brought together over 60 industry leaders and experts to witness BEAM Plus expanding beyond Hong Kong. This expansion will allow BEAM Plus to accumulate new experience and become an even more comprehensive green building assessment tool. Photo credit: HKGBC