Singapore – “The next wave of workplace design should be the antithesis of corporate”, said Simon Bell, Managing Director, SE Asia, FITCH. With a deep understanding of consumer and human needs across industries and markets, the brand experience design consultancy applied its creative approach ‘Designing the Future’ to challenge current conventions and create an engaging workplace driven by experience.
FITCH’s vision for the future of workplace is to design a meaningful and purposeful experience that will foster passionate, innovative and committed employees to create a brand experience, not just another better-looking office.
This month, Microsoft launched its new regional headquarters in Singapore at Frasers Tower, designed by FITCH in partnership with SLA, where they reimagined the future of working environments by catering to individual employee needs and empowering a collective culture within the workplace. As technology is at the heart of Microsoft, FITCH+SLA designed a Growth Core -- an interactive digital and physical content wall that runs vertically through the 6 floors to connect the Microsoft community, immersing employees and guests in information from its values, philanthropic initiatives, internal and global events, news to global ground-breaking service and product developments.